Wednesday, January 30, 2008

brightly colored things

I am usually a fan of winter. I prefer the colder weather. I love snow. I am an indoor person. Lately, I am just ready for change. I'm sick of everything. So in honor of everything spring and bright colors and whatnot, I have constructed a few things. Here we have a pair of awesomely loud fingerless mitts. They belong to Kasy. She had a birthday that I missed and therefore she gets cool mitts.

spring can come now please and thank you

Say hello to little blue chickie. I hope to make up a few sisters in different colors to keep her company. They will sit in a nest together and be nice. No fighting.

Monday, January 21, 2008

I me mine

Here is a great rule... for every three things I make for other people, I should make one thing for myself. I tend to not follow this one. I get really wrapped up in whatever event is coming up. Christmas for instance, burned me out really bad. I got back in the swing by indulging in making what I wanted for myself. Here is a new bag and a pair of really sweet fingerless mitts. Get this- I free handed the green leaf embroidery. Me so proud.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

safe to post

Now that Christmas is finally over, I can post this bag I made for my sister-in-law. I don't think she reads my blog. You can never be too sure. Here is simple shoulder bag with a Chinese brocade inlay. She loves it. I'm relieved.